In the Mr. Dancealot Youtube video, the central message is that students need to practice what they have learned to completely understand that subject. They also need to experience fully what they learned as well, in order to succeed in that subject. In this video, Mr. Dancelot taught about dance steps and different dances but never gave his students the opportunity to practice. When the final came along, the teacher said it was open book and open notes but that did not help the students. Mr. Dancelot should have allowed his students to stand up and practice these dances to prepare them for their final. I however do not agree with this conclusion. Every teacher should allow and teach their students to practice what is being taught. As the saying goes, practice makes perfect.
After watching Kevin Roberts video about teaching in the 21st century, he believes that to teach the 21st century, everyone needs to integrate technology to benefit children. In our world today, technology is blooming. If teachers today did not teach their students about how to use technology they would be lost and missing a lot to succeed in certain subjects, jobs and other events in life. I agree with his video and I disagree. Yes technology is very important these days in a classroom or in anything. However, I think the focus should be just set on teaching technology. We as future teachers can't forget about books, and other materials in school besides technology.
In the Youtube video The Networked Student, it explains why a student that takes all online classes, needs an actual teacher for that class. When I listened to that question I thought about my experiences with online classes. Most of my online classes I just received emails from the teachers. That did not help me in succeeding in that class. I actually needed a teacher helping me with that class. I don't care how much technology is used today, every class needs a teacher and a teacher that teaches. Teachers choose this profession to teach their students not sit back and send assignments and emails. Without a teacher students would learn about that course but not learn as much as if that student had the help of a teacher and that teachers knowledge.
In this video Vicki Davis is talking about how she is teaching her students to grow in their knowledge through technology. She also is talking about helping her students connect with other students around the world. I liked this video because she really cares about her students and teaches them more about everything instead of straight from a book. I agree with her way of teaching about technology. I also agree like her students, students these days do get more excited using technology and are more excited about learning. I have never heard about flipping a classroom before.
This was my first time learning or hearing about this strategy. I disagree and agree with flipping a classroom. I agree with it 100% with older kids. Older kids meaning, high school kids. High school students would actually use this concept to their ability in getting ahead. This option gives them time to be ready for maybe pop quizzes or more prepared to have a discussion after the lesson taught. However, this idea for elementary kids is not alright. Young kids need to hear the lesson straight forward from their teacher not on their own. They will get discouraged and confused and that is not what we need for our students, or future students. Kids these days are already self conscious and emotional about their school work, they do not need any more pressure or being confused in their school work.