Continuing to learn about PBL in part 2, was very interesting. I learned that not every project will go as planed. For example, If you choose to do a certain project, parents, or other teachers may not agree on that certain project. However, as a teacher, you will have to be as respectful as you can. By being respectful and working with the parents you can accomplish making them happy, as well as following the state standards.
iCurioi is a great search engine. It is
filtered to the engine so only child appropriate content will appear while the children are searching. iCurio also has some other great features. It allows teachers as well as students to keep information saved for anything they find they want to save. This feature will teach students to stay organized starting from an early age. Other features with iCurio are different search engines, read aloud command, and directories. I will definitely use this search engine in my future teaching.
Discovery Education is a program that helps teachers and students search useful information. So it is in fact another useful search engine. One thing I liked, is Discovery Education has videos that show teachers and students experts in different ways. I think this feature of video is very useful for students.
For the Anthony - Strange Tips I learned a lot of tips I can use for my future teaching. My favorite tip was that you needed to be interested in learning yourself. This tip is absolutely correct. Even though we will be teaching our students, so many things have changed since we were in elementary school. These new state standards and requirements are completely different. While teaching your students you have to be interested and committed. Being interested and committed about your teaching you will learn as well. Some other tips he mentioned were Teaching is very rewarding, which is very true. We all know we didn't pick this career for the money, we picked it because it is rewarding. Another one I really enjoyed was, Teaching
is fast-paced, but you have to keep your goals and the end in mind.
Don't Teach Technology - Use It, is a great video where Anthony tells everyone that you should not teach technology, but use it as a scaffold to assignments. I agree with his reasoning very much so. One also thing I agreed with him, is he only lets his students use technology one at a time. This is a great method so students can learn how to use technology on their own time. By students having their own time on their own this allows them to make mistakes so Anthony can help them correct it. No student will be perfect, we have to be patient with our students in helping them correct their mistakes.
Additional Thought About Lessons tells us every teacher needs to plan your lessons ahead of time. Also, it tells us that you need to go through every single lesson plan thoroughly. The most important thing I got out of this was being able to keep your students on track with that lesson plan, as well as yourself.
I enjoyed reading your blog. I love all the pictures. I also think the most important tip was that we needed to be interested in learning. As teachers we will be learning new things all the time.
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