Thursday, March 13, 2014

Blog Post #8

  When I read this assignment, I was really excited to search some education tools that could help my future teaching. To start my research, I simply typed in Google's search engine, education tools in a classroom. So many wonderful sites popped up. The one that caught my interest was This website had many useful education tools that teachers could use in a classroom.

  The first tool I will be talking about is edmodo. This tools is a social network for not only teachers and students, it is a network for schools to chat also. Edmodo is free as well as a secure site. This tool allows students, schools, and teachers to stay connected through notes, posts, messages, and also keeping up with events.

  The second tool that I learned about is schoolbinder. This tool would be very effective for me. Personally, I hate having to carry a binder or keep up with folders. The schoolbinder is your own personal binder online. It holds your notes, lesson plans, grades, and whatever else you wish. I will definitely be using this tool in my future teaching.

START USING SCHOOLBINDER now and learn how it can help you stay organized!

 For my last tool I will be talking about is by far my favorite, Ediscio. My study habits are not so well. The only way I can pass a test is by flashcards. However, I completely dislike writing every note on a note card. So when I found this tool I got very excited. Ediscio is an education tool which you can sign up for free, and create your own flashcards. Yes, there are other tools like this but, Ediscio seems so easy and less complicated then studyblue. One service they offer is the memorize fast service. After you create your cards it helps you study. So not only can you create your own flashcards, you have this wonderful tool to help you study as well! This is by far my new favorite education tool.



  1. Ediscio sounds very interesting. I use something similar when studying for my history tests since the site has flashcards for every chapter. Also the Edmodo looks cool because it is similar to the format of Facebook.

  2. Good, but at this point in the semester, you should not be forgetting to add alt/title modifiers to your pictures.
